Front Page: Joukkoliikenne ja korona
Front Page: Joukkoliikenne ja korona

Guidance for passengers

Wear a mask, observe social distancing and pay attention to hand hygiene. Small steps go a long way. We can all do our part to make sure that travelling on public transport remains safe for all of us.

With the aim of making sure that we can all travel safely every day, transport service providers have an obligation to take certain hygiene and social distancing measures in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus:

  1. Customers must be provided with adequate facilities to maintain the necessary level of hygiene, including hand hygiene.
  2. Customers must be informed of safe practices to help prevent the spread of the virus.
  3. Spaces and surfaces used by customers and passengers must be cleaned more frequently,
  4. In order to protect customers on the transport network, social distancing must be enabled while taking into account the particular characteristics of each space or means of transport.
  5. Measures must be taken to ensure that passengers can maintain the necessary distance from each other when boarding or alighting.

However, these measures will not be enough if passengers do not do their part to ensure safety. We recommend that everyone think carefully about whether it is in fact necessary to travel at this time. If travelling cannot be avoided altogether, it is advisable to schedule journeys outside peak hours whenever possible.

Repeated deficiencies in hygiene and sosial distancing measures can be reported to Traficom

Traficom's guidance and press releases for passengers
