Front Page: Joukkoliikenne ja korona
Front Page: Joukkoliikenne ja korona

Traficom and transport operators have already taken a range of measures to ensure a high level of health security in transport.

Measures taken by Traficom

No direct flights to Finland from high-risk areas in southern Africa – no permits will be issued (External link)

Traficom to impose 50 per cent transport capacity limit in HUS region to combat spread of coronavirus (External link)

Traficom decides not to limit the number of passengers in Pirkanmaa amid decreasing transport usage and active efforts by operators (External link)

Restrictions on Passenger Flights to Finland from the UK, Ireland and South Africa No Longer in Force as from 25 January (External link)

Restrictions on Passenger Flights to Finland from the UK, Ireland and South Africa to Continue until 25 January (External link)

Suspension of Passenger Flights to Finland Extended to Cover Ireland and South Africa as Well as UK — New Restrictions in Force from 11 to 18 January 2021 (External link)

All passenger flights from Great Britain suspended for two weeks (External link)

Flights to Skopje continue (in Finnish) (External link)

The Skopje flights are suspended for two weeks (External link)

Recommendations to help transport service providers ensure safe mobility (External link)

The corona subsidy for public transport compensates for the loss of ticket revenue (External link) (in Finnish)

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Awards Cybersecurity Label to Contact Tracing App Koronavilkku (External link)

Applications for emergency support for the promotion of journalism to open in October (External link)

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare recommends that all passengers arriving in Finland should be required to present a certificate of negative coronavirus test results, regardless of the mode of transport (External link)

Information bulletin for seafarers and shipping companies: Renewal of competency and medical certificates during the coronavirus pandemic (External link)

Tendering process launched for five domestic flight routes (External link)
